Monday, December 28, 2009
Old people have christmas parties at work.
Monday, December 14, 2009
Light at the end of the tunnel
Property final was Friday, a 7 hour long exam consisting of three essays. Next is Contracts, which is the scariest one, on Wednesday. I've been studying and studying but I don't think there is any way to go into a Contracts exam feeling confident, so I'm trying to settle for calm. After Contracts I only have Torts next Monday. That night we're having a big end of the first semester celebration, which will be very welcome. I (for some reason I still haven't really worked out) set up a mock interview with my Career Services Office the next day, Tues. the 22nd, but after that I'll be on my way back to CP for Christmas! So everyone who will be home on Tuesday, I should be high on life, so it would be a good time to hang out if I can stay awake past 9 pm.
Anyone else who is also working on finals right now, good luck! Hopefully you're done before I am. Dragging out three finals for 14 whole days is brutal, I hope your schedules are better. See everyone soon!
Saturday, December 12, 2009
Video Update
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
Sorry for no updates!
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
A Short Photo Update

This is Oklahoma. Pictured in the background are Oklahoma's only mountains.


Thursday, November 19, 2009

Sorry it has taken me so long to post.. I was waiting for something exciting to happen to me but it never did so I may as well get on with it. Though I do warn you in advance, I suck at posting in blogs (as any of the girls will attest to..)
I am in my last semester at McGill and it is flyingggggggg by. I cannot believe that I only have 2 weeks of class left- yikes! I have so much to finish before I am done.. I don't know how it is going to happen haha. But I would be lying if I said it hasn't been fun. I really like my classes, which is a great way to finish my undergrad. I went on a field trip to some wetlands in Quebec at the beginning of the semester, which was awesome! Above left is a bog we visited (we were trying to channel the bog people..) and to the right is my prof in a salt marsh, which I nearly lost a boot in lol. We also went to a swamp but that was not nearly as exciting haha.
Since that little field trip, it has really been nothing but school.. lame, I know. I have crashed a few earth and planetary science parties (not as dorky as it sounds), but that is about it. I would say about 80% of my friends have graduated and left so my roommate and I just bum around watching movies alot. We did manage to get out for Halloween though- I was a penguin!

Not much else is new with me.. I sadly won't be home for Thanksgiving this year, but I should be home in December after finals for an indefinite amount of time.. lol. If anyone knows of anyone looking to hire a map-maker, please let me know :-\
Hope everyone is well! See you in December :-)
Jinna <3
Monday, November 16, 2009
The spending limit is $50 but you don't have to spend that much. It's just a max the site makes you set. If someone isn't going to be home for the week of Christmas I would suggest you let the group know fairly far in advance so that who ever got that person can mail out the gift, or get it to them early or something.
As of right now we have 11 people, so were pretty good to go if no one else joins. We still need to set a place for the exchange. Kellen said he might be able to have something at his place in CP, but it would be nice to have some other options in that falls through. I looked up some places to rent out a room or something, and they can get pretty steep in price. I figured we would keep it cheap since we are all paying bills and junk now. As Levine put it, we're grown ups now. If you guys have any ideas/suggestions just throw em out there.
Anyway, see you guys next week. I'll be getting into CP Tues morning and staying at Alan's till Claire gets home. Then I take off Sat morning.
Greg and Cat here!
What's going on with elfster? How does it work? Is it going to assign me a person? When? I could probably read all of this on the website, but I will let Rob explain it to me.
Sunday, November 8, 2009
Blue Devils!
Post Sales Support Group
Rogers Communications Inc.
857 York Mills Rd,
Toronto, ON M3B 1Z1
Thursday, November 5, 2009
- 28OCT2009 to 19DEC2009 – Fort Sill, OK – Basic Officer Leadership Course II – Shooting, running, crawling, suffering
- 19DEC2009 to 03JAN2010 – Home
- 03JAN2010 to APR2010 – Fort Leonard Wood, MO – Engineer Basic Officer Leadership Course –Building and blowing stuff up
- APR2010 to ???? – Southeast USA - Ranger/Sapper School – PAIN, priceless education
- ???? to ???? – Fort Lewis, WA/Overseas – 14th Combat Engineer Battalion – Leading a platoon of combat engineers
In other recent news, I ran the Hartford Marathon in October and went to D.C. to cheer my Dad on while he ran the Marine Corps Marathon. On October 28th, I started my 4 day driving journey to Oklahoma with two of my Army buddies from school. We stopped in Niagara Falls, Chicago, Springfield, Missouri, and Oklahoma City. It was quite the adventure (14 hour driving days on occasion) and I apologize for anyone I didn’t stop in to see along the way. I was on Army time, so I couldn’t really go off course.
Eder, myself, and McAdams at Niagara Falls, after two failed photos by Japanese and Russian tourists.
I’ll post more along with some images of my training as I progress further here. I will definitely be home for Christmas and New Years, from 20 December to 3 January. I'll be flying in and out of St. Louis, so I will be borrowing my parent's vehicles while I am home. My contact information as far as a mailing address changes frequently, but will always be listed in my Facebook profile. Make sure you let me know if you’re sending anything though, as I may not be at that address. I should have email and phone contact on a weekly basis though. Hope to see you all soon.
Saturday, October 31, 2009
Spooky Property Halloween
Monday, October 19, 2009
Turkey week
Friday, October 16, 2009
Thursday, October 15, 2009
Calling all CPers
So come see us!
Love Claire
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
Goulet goes to law school
Right now I'm hanging out in the law librizzle before lunchtime. I'm loving law school so far, which is good seeing as how I've wanted to do this since 11th grade. My classes are fun (well, besides torts - eddie and I disagree on this point) and I really like my professors. I also have a fun group of friends which makes the experience that much more enjoyable.
We aren't allowed as 1L's to join any type of clinic or do any sort of pro bono litigation, so I've been trying to get involved in other ways. I'm a member of the American Constitution Society (like the Federalist society, except for opposite - we're the liberal end! woohoo there's like 4 of us in the whole school), and I joined an academic law fraternity, Phi Delta Phi, which has been good for making connections. I'm also really trying to prepare to make law review by meeting with my legal writing professor weekly. Cross your fingers!
Another fun aspect of being here is the fact that I actually get to see REAL football games. I'm obsessed with college football now, and yes, I have painted my face for the games. It's been fun to get the "real" college experience in law school which is kind of counterintuitive, but whatevs! We usually all have a law tailgate during the day then go to the game together. I have come to find that lawyers are binge drinkers. The thought that some of these people will be future "doctors" is borderline frightening.
Last week we had a law ball which was fun (for those of you AD fans - we called it Bob Loblaw's Law Ball). Unfortunately, I don't remember most of the night, but I was told I had a good time. Whoopsie!
I went to Rochester this past weekend for our alumni weekend. It was awesome, I hung out with Ali and most of my DG friends. Unfortunately, Ali was the only one out of my roch crew who could make it, but we stayed in a hotel on sat night and 'twas quite fun. I also have come to terms with the fact that my college days are over, but that's okay since I'm liking my life here.
Alright, hopefully I'll talk to you all soon! PLEASE come visit me - especially if you're bored at home. We have lots and lotssssies of fun on the weekends. I won't be home for turkey day, so I'll see you all in Decemb.
Friday, October 9, 2009
Holiday plans
If there is going to be a group back home in Dec maybe we could coordinate a Christmas party since it seems like this is going to get harder and harder each year. If anyone wants to volunteer their place that would be great, or if someone has any alternative ideas like renting out a place for the night idk. Throw some ideas around.
Also, my sister Teri started this secret santa with our family this year through the site Elfster. It picks your recipient and lets you make wish lists/suggest gifts for people. So far my list is pretty ridiculous, but its turning out to be a lot more fun then I expected and its only Oct. We could set up a similar one, which could include people who won't be home as long as the gifts are mailed out in time. Let me know what you guys think.
Senior year in rochester
"I'm from the government and I'm here to help"
Anyway, as most of you know, two months ago I started a job working for Governor David Paterson (D-NY) as what they call an "Advance man." For those of you who don't know, which I imagine is all of you since it is a pretty obscure position, an advance man (or woman, I guess) is the person who goes ahead of a politician in order to set up any event that the politician will be attending. My duties range from figuring out where to put the podium and how much lighting/sound is needed to wrangling the reporters and making sure that the Governor greets any VIPs that are also attending the event. The most important part of my job is making sure that the pictures that are shown in the media tell the same story that the Governor's speech and press releases is telling (a simple example would be that for an event emphasizing education and the importance of young people, I would make sure that there are plenty of pictures in a school with the Governor greeting smiling children). Pay attention to the visuals next time you see a news story online or on tv. If they are incongruous with the actual story, its probably the advance man's fault.
If you are interested in learning more about what I do, here are a couple links. The first is just a more succinct description of the job and the second is a longer anecdotal story written by an advance man for the Clinton '96 Campaign:
If you have twitter and want to follow updates about my various work adventures, follow AdvanceMan55. My public, personal account is ltob86.
I'm doing really well and I love my job. Unfortunately, I'm still living at home, but that's saving me a lot of money, both in rent and food. Also unfortunately, I've been working so much that I don't have many updates on my personal life. I desperately miss DC and my college friends, but I got to visit them this past weekend, which was really great. I hope to be making more trips to visit all of you at some point, but work does not really allow me to make solid plans more than a week in advance (and even that can be stretching it).
I think that's enough for one post.
PS I can't go without mentioning that I saw the President speak at HVCC a couple weeks ago. It was awesome.
Thursday, October 8, 2009
They call us the Legal Eagles
I'm taking 5 classes, serving on a couple student government boards, competed in a negotiation competition, doing a little pro bono work, and playing in a softball league on the weekends. I love Boston, although admittedly I haven't spent much time in the city. Newton, where Boston College is, is about 6 miles from the center of Boston, kind of on the fringe. We have Monday off for Columbus day, I'm on my way to Toronto tomorrow.
Hope everyone is doing well! Hopefully I'll see some of you for Thanksgiving!
Love Claire
Life since Rochester
Come see us!
Cat & Greg (Let's be honest, he will probably never update on his own)
Sunday, October 4, 2009
Updates on life after college
As explained in the facebook message this is going to be a personal blog just for the group of us. It is going to be a trial run for a project I'm setting up here in Toronto, but I figured it was a good way to see what you fools were up to. Over the years I've noticed that I have been in contact less and less with friends from Clifton Park. I noticed the same thing happened when I moved there from Montreal, and now I am in contact with only a handful of my friends from Quebec. I wouldn't want the same thing to happen again just because of distance, espically since we could use something as simple as a blog to stay in touch. I know everyone is busy with their own lives, and it can be hard to keep in touch besides the occational message (Facebook, AIM, Myspace, Twitter, blah blah). This way we can stay in contact in one simple medium that is exclusive to us. Use it for funny stories (college, trips, jobs) life updates (weddings, moving, news) to set up something to get everyone together (new years, montreal, etc) or just to say "What up!". Also I'll set up some addional blogs for different topics to discuss and to find info easy like where to get cheap flights, items for sale, current events or anything you guys are interested in reading about.
I know you ladies have a similar situation set up, which is fine since "Girl Talk" seems to be inevitable, but now there is a place where everyone can join in.
The only rule I ask you guys to follow is to not invite random people without asking me first. This is a sort of experiment for some plans I have in the future, which makes you guineapigs ;) and I would need to keep it regulated to collect some info. Other than that, feel free to do what you will with it. Over time I will update the site with add-ons for pics, links, videos and some other goodies.
If you have any questions just hit me up on this site, email (, cell (647) 982-1100[long distance folks], or aim (McKer17).