Tuesday, November 24, 2009

A Short Photo Update

I don't have much time to write, so I'm just going to post a few pictures with some captions. I should be able to get to a longer post after Thanksgiving is over and I get some downtime. However, I will be back in CP from Thanksgiving day afternoon to Saturday midday, so if anyone wants to do something Friday night or get breakfast or lunch on Saturday before I fly out, give me a call.

This is Oklahoma. Pictured in the background are Oklahoma's only mountains.

Yes, that is a pie plate in which the burger is sitting. Welcome to the South, specifically Meers, OK.

This is me, on my daily commute. I ride to a range, shoot some things, then ride back.

More Oklahoma, as seen from the back of the truck I'm riding in.

In case it doesn't seem like I'm enjoying myself, I love my job. I get paid to lead soldiers, blow things up and shoot things. More to follow.



Jinna said...

That burger looks delicious.

Glad you are enjoying yourself Kel :-)

Cat said...

You look tough (awesome)!