What's the deal with this movie? I mean for the 10+ years "fans" have been waiting for it, it didn't really blow me away except for the 3d. And even that, I kinda forgot it was 3d about 30mins into it when my eyes gave up trying to adjust from the front row. I just saw an article saying people have become suicidal after watching it cause they know they will never "be apart of that world". http://www.wwtdd.com/2010/01/avatar-is-making-people-suicidal/?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+wwtdd%2Fatom+%28What+Would+Tyler+Durden+Do%3F%29&utm_content=Google+Reader
At first I thought that was a joke, but I guess its real. It was pretty real looking, but the environments aka shiny jungle with super trees, were nothing special considering what older movies have come up with. How bout that lil flick called the Matrix? Dream world where you can instantly upload data into your brain, jump over small buildings and break the laws of physics all day. Or even Neverland, you can freakin fly and no one ages... sounds like a sweet deal to me. But a glittery mass of vegetation with giant blue Indians is what drives people to deep depression when the film ends? I'm gonna assume its the nerdy star wars'esk fans that are quoted in the articles, cause if it's some normal people who just really liked the movie, then they have some serious psychological issues to deal with.
I guess the new 3d camera he used was pretty sweet, but not really mind blowing. I could understand all the excitement if the plot had a single ounce of originality, but it didn't. It copied, almost verbatim, the story of Pocahontas. Don't believe that? Check out the script here... http://web.me.com/pascalboogaert/Site/foto3.html . All this may sound like I seriously hated the movie, which isn't true. It was pretty good, just not world record sales good or "lets hype it up for 10+ years" good. Certainly not Titanic good (Cameron's last big movie) Anyone who saw have any other views on it?