For those of you not caught up, AHEM you know who you are, GET ON IT! Time is running out. The first episode is Feb 2nd, aka very soon.
For those who haven't seen the show before, check out the first season, its a freaking sticky, thangled up ball of confusion for anyone to come into the series this late. But I highly suggest checking it out. Just go to http://www.ninjavideo.net/cat/90 , if you don't know about this site then you probably haven't seen/talked to me much in the past 2 years so shame on you.
Here's my prediction:
Nothing that happened in the finale changes anything in the future. This is was Daniel has been telling everyone ever since the flashes started. Up to this point the only person actually able to alter time is Desmond, and since he was not involved in the incident, then it was always part of the time stream and the nuke IS the "incident". As the many examples in season 5 show, everytime they try to change something in the past, it happens exactly as it was(is) supposed to in the future. Ex: Daniel telling red to leave the island. Or telling his mother to burry the bomb. Or even the so called incident (wether or not you believe the nuke is the event or not, something big happened and whatever it was can be big enough to be considered an incident). In the new season everyone will either be "flashed" back to the present time (since they are not among the dharma bodies in the ditch) or to an earlier point in time before the dharma (I think this is more likely since Richard states that he see's them all die in the past. Maybe he sees when they travel to the future again). I personally feel like the survivors would have to return to the future to meet up with Lock, Frank and Stupid Sun and become involved in the jacob situation since it seems hes the one pulling all the strings as hinted by the flashbacks of the finale. Seems like a little forshadowing to other encounters with the big guy and his "evil" friend.
wow you have thought about this for a while haha. you should talk to my friend steph, she is super into that show (i am pretty sure she rewatched the whole series to prepare for the final season).
i am now caught up so you can stop teasing me robin!
i dont know what youre talking about...
i agree with your predictions, cause otherwise there is this huge time loop that they are going to have to fall into and there is no way out of. if the nuke destroys the power source like Daniel says it might and the plane never crashes, then they are never there to set off the nuke, so the power source makes their plane crash. I know Daniel says well "this is our present, even though it is the world's past" blah blah blah but he's predicting that they will go back to the airport before they got on the plane when the nuke goes off, which puts them back in their own past (not just their present) where 'anything can happen' isn't true anymore. if that makes any sense. you can only play around with time so much before you run into a contradiction that you can't explain away, and Daniel being such a smartiepants should have seen this coming.
also, shows do this ALL the time. spend a whole season leading up to a major major event, and then in the first episode of the next season make the whole finale irrelevant. that's mostly what rob is predicting, and i think it's going to happen again now.
UNLESS, and this is the only other possibility i can see, next season they ARE going to be back in LA, not knowing each other, get on the plane (which HAS to crash, cause if they never go to the island they can't destroy the power source, which means they will crash, and on and on and on like i explained before) and start the whole thing over again. maybe jacob let's them repeat this time loop until they succeed in getting it right, whatever 'right' means. it's a test for the survivors, who don't even KNOW that they've lived this over and over again, with the evil guy trying to tempt them in the wrong direction and Jacob forgiving them again and again and again and giving them another chance. that would explain why the evil guy shows up when more people come to the island, and why he hates jacob so much and wants him dead. finally, this round, he's stabbed and caught on fire (no guarantee he's dead though) so something new is going to happen.
plus, this way the oddly religious themes running through the whole show culminate and are finally resolved.
Boy were you wrong.
And right, I guess.
6 days until episode 3.
I didn't even actually read this post, just saw the picture. Greg and I are all caught up!! I can't believe this is the last season!
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