Ok, I've been asked about 1,000 times about what I think of the new ipad, and the entire digital world seems to agree with me, while people I speak to think I'm just a hater. What are you opinions on this?
I know Eddie feels exactly the same as I do about it... its not a new product at all. Its a large Itouch, end of story. There isn't a single new feature on this thing that I couldn't do on my old itouch, or that cannot be done on the iphone. So why would I replace a laptop (I'm not even going to get into the infinite features that have existed on laptops for years that aren't available on the pad) for a $500 Ipod? Keep in mind the $500 one is the lowest version aka the basics, you don't get all the "sweet" features unless you fork over some more mula. And I'm sure that doesn't include the warranty. 

I won't get into the many many maaaannny flaws of this device cause non technical people don't seem to understand how they make little things like, oh say Internet, so much better. But I would like to hear other people's interpretations of this thing based on what they have heard.
Personally, I give it a fat 2 thumbs down. And that is because I only have 2.
I'll bitch about it again haha, this has become like my hobby.
#1 issue is no USB port. That makes it not a computer...maybe someone will make an adapter for the stupid ipod plugin that allows you to use USB, but the fact that they don't have it and claim it is the netbook killer is ridiculous.
#2 They claim 10 hours battery life. 1st of all I'm sure that isn't a correct claim. Secondly even if it is, the only reason why is because you can't run multiple programs at once, and the energy hungry flash just straight up doesn't work on it. Flash is on a good 95% of websites and no matter what apple wants to think, it isn't going anywhere soon.
#3 You can't download things from what I've gathered other than Apps...What is the point of a supposed computer that you can't download your class notes on? Maybe the whole new pseudo office they are creating will allow you to do it through that, but that is additional software you have to purchase...
To finish off I'll just generally yell at them more haha. Netbooks and laptops are much better at watching movies...with this you need to prop it up or something? If I'm on a plane I'm just putting my laptop down and watching it. With an iPad i would have to hold it awkwardly the whole time or strain my neck looking down. The keyboard adaptor is retarded. Instead of being logical and having it be landscape it is portait....I hope they release a new tv that follows suit. We'd be able to like see the sky as well as 1.5 people having a conversation on the street below.
The end.
RIGHT!?!??! Couldn't say it better myself. Apple, you fucked up big time on this one
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