Monday, April 19, 2010

LOST- oooOOOooo part deux

Tomorrow's prediction:
-Boon's side story (well not his, but he'll be involved with who's ever it is)

-More Desmond on/off the island, with a dash of Eloise and her involvement (who the heck is this woman any way!?)

-More details on Widmore's team and their objectives

-Christian Shepard makes his return (this might be streching it, it's him or Boon but I doubt both would be in the same episode)

Note worthy information:
-Who else knows about the alternate universe? We know Dez does and Juliet did. Also Eloise (Faraday's Mom) is very aware and has been since Desmond's first flash back episode.

-What is Widmore and his team trying to do with all their equipment and experiments?
-Why do these idiots keep splitting up into teams? That never seems to help...

-Final note, Richard is the man. That is all.

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Summer plans anyone?

Other than the wedding I probably won't see much of you guys. All my money will mostly go towards seeing Claire unless some big event is going down. And Dave in Toga doesn't count for a big event. So please stop asking if I'm going every year.

Anyone doing anything cool? Going anywhere sweet? I know Kate and Carolyn are at least trying to get to Dublin or somewhere in that neck of the woods.