Saturday, February 20, 2010

How Racist Are You?

My sister sends me videos and articles all the time generally about how to make the world better, or idiots in government etc etc. Anywho, the latest one she sent was about a woman who has been conducting a social experiment "How Racist Are You?" for the past 40 years.

The main idea she tries to explain is that the world is built by white people for white people, and to be anything else is to live at a constant disadvantage (She is white by the way). I'm not one to promote stuff like this and preach to people, but this one has sparked a number of different debates and after watching the video I can see why. I original link to the latest experiment is on Megavideo, and if you know anything about Megavideo, you know its a waste of time; so I found two older ones from the first filmed experiment and another newer one on youtube. They get the point across, but the newest one filmed in the UK had the most interesting reactions within it (when I find a better site I'll post it, or if someone finds it that works too).

Check them out and let me know your opinions. I'll try to find the newest one asap since it brought up a lot more than the other two.

Here's the Youtube links:

Here is part one of the UK one, it explains it all for you, then there are no more links (I'll find them), but the second link will take you to the start of the experiment in another video.

This is the one she did with her 3rd graders.

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Roses are Red, Violets are Blue

HAPPY VALENTINE'S DAY EVERYONE!!! I have a date with Lizzabeth tomorrow in Newton Centre between classes...I know, how did I land such a hottie? I'm still asking myself.

I'm 5 weeks into my second semester over here at BC. This one is even bigger than the last one, with two classes continuing from last semester and three new ones. The job search is also slowing down, it looks like I'll be in CP for the summer working at the NYS Department of Environmental Conservation for 10 weeks starting in June. It's not a definite yet, I still have a possibility left in Toronto, but it looks like it's leaning that way. So I'll be riding that big ugly bus from CP to Albany every morning (and evening?) over the summer. Whooo. But I'll be saving the earth while I do it! It really wouldn't be right to drive to my job at the DEC. All those greenhouse gases can be saved by riding the bus! And in fact, the DEC internship sounds pretty good. They run this program every year, and they know exactly what first year law students need for a summer job. And, with a little luck, the government is going to be paying me to do it. Hoffmans, our long, rollercoaster relationship might be over for good. I'm goin the way of Ums, Kellen, and Alan...I'm also in the middle of applying for an on campus job for next year for some extra money. AND fundraising for the public interest law foundation at BC - if you have any items you think could fetch some money at auction, or know any businesses/people who could donate some items, give me a call! I don't get to keep the money, but I do get credit, and the more fundraising I do the better my chances to receive some funds for summer public interest work like the DEC.

Kara (my roommate) and I and a friend just put in a lease application for next year (Sept 1, 2010 to Aug 31, 2011). We found a really nice one right in Cleveland Circle. It's also cheaper than where I am now. What this means is that I'm pretty committed to being in Boston NEXT summer, after my 2L year.

I have Spring Break in a couple weeks (yup, the first week in March. It gets less 'springy' every year it seems). I'll be coming home for a few days, visiting Rob in Toronto, and then I'll be home again for the second weekends, which is my Mom's birthday. Then, a couple weeks later, Law Prom (or Barrister's Ball, for those young lawyers embarrassed to say 'Law Prom'...)!!

I think that's about everything going on in my life for now. Hope everyone is doing well, and Happy Valentine's Day!

Thursday, February 4, 2010


Ok, I've been asked about 1,000 times about what I think of the new ipad, and the entire digital world seems to agree with me, while people I speak to think I'm just a hater. What are you opinions on this?

I know Eddie feels exactly the same as I do about it... its not a new product at all. Its a large Itouch, end of story. There isn't a single new feature on this thing that I couldn't do on my old itouch, or that cannot be done on the iphone. So why would I replace a laptop (I'm not even going to get into the infinite features that have existed on laptops for years that aren't available on the pad) for a $500 Ipod? Keep in mind the $500 one is the lowest version aka the basics, you don't get all the "sweet" features unless you fork over some more mula. And I'm sure that doesn't include the warranty.

I won't get into the many many maaaannny flaws of this device cause non technical people don't seem to understand how they make little things like, oh say Internet, so much better. But I would like to hear other people's interpretations of this thing based on what they have heard.

Personally, I give it a fat 2 thumbs down. And that is because I only have 2.